In short, Fritz Miesbauer is the CEO of the estate. But much more than that, he is the good soul while in the house and then, abroad, the man who makes the best impression.
Franz-Josef Gansberger
& Peter Mandl
Responsible for putting our delicious wines on your table – sales, marketing & communications are handled by veteran Franz-Josef Gansberger, assisted by Peter Mandl.
Jürgen Peter
& Lukas Mörtinger
Vineyard manager Jürgen Peter and his right-hand man Lukas Mörtinger are responsible for the care of the vineyards throughout the year – the minds behind our top-quality grapes.
Peter Rethaller, Marco Priessner, Elias Streimelweger, Karl Schütz & Matthias Tauber
The companions to the evolution of our wines are cellarmaster Peter Rethaller, Christoph Donabaum & Matthias Tauber. Their practised hands ensure that our diligent work in the vineyard achieves its objective.
Last but surely not least...
Lisa Tersch & Monika Dürauer
Most of the time you will get be contacting Lisa Tersch, Lisa Glassner or Kathi Bründlmayer-Szing. Fritz’s angels are responsible for the office work, while our dear Monika Dürauer handles the accounting.